Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dancers Health

Archive | Dancer Health

Fitness Beyond the Studio

Fitness Beyond the Studio

By Emily Yewell Volin.
Technique classes and rehearsals are a dancer’s job and a common misconception is that this training schedule provides enough exercise and conditioning to make a dancer performance ready. Not so. Dance Informa spoke with Nehemiah Kish (Principal Dancer, The Royal Ballet), Alice Hinde (Australia’s Dancenorth) and Glenn Allen Sims (Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater) to learn how they augment their workout regimes to achieve top fitness, stamina and sculpted physiques.
What type of fitness activities do you do in addition to your technique classes and why?
Nehemiah Kish – The Royal Ballet, UK
In addition to our daily ballet class, we are very fortunate at The Royal Ballet to have two sports scientists on staff as well as Pilates and Gyrotonics instructors. This season I have been working with our sports scientists. They test our strengths and weaknesses and give exercises accordingly. When I want to improve a certain area of my dancing or build a specific group of muscles they tailor the exercises to my needs. How much I do is based on my performance schedule, because some of the exercises leave me sore or fatigued. I like to take advantage of the days when I have fewer rehearsals and use those days to work on strengthening the areas I want to improve.

Alice Hinde, Dancenorth, Queensland Australia
Dancenorth Company Dancer Alice Hinde. Photo by Bottlebrush Studios.
Alice Hinde – Dancenorth, Australia
In addition to ballet and contemporary technique classes, I cycle, do yoga and skip. I have these activities on rotation so that my body is subject to different kinds of movement patterns. I enjoy doing all of these activities because they are also a rest for the mind. I aim to reduce the noise of a busy mind and just enjoy focusing on my breath in yoga or even the scenery while riding. Cross-training is great for the body, it helps improve stamina and strength and overall shape and performance.
Glenn Allen Sims – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, USA
I am always working out, especially at the gym, when I am not in my technique classes. While at the gym my main concern is free weights, basically sculpting my upper body and breaking down muscles groups into days of the week (ie. Monday- abs and shoulders, Tuesday- back, Wednesday- abs and cardio, Thursday- chest, and Friday- abs and arms). This schedule can be altered depending on what I am dancing that evening, if there is a performance or the free time I may have during a rehearsal period. I also take Pilates classes that are generally on a private basis with a Master Trainer. I feel that a man should look like a man from the stage, not to say that someone that is slighter than I doesn’t look like a man, but it is my prerogative. As an Ailey man, it is part of the history and legacy that the men always looked great, sexy and fit. I am just trying to live up to this standard as best as possible with all the knowledge that I know about fitness. Working out really plays a huge role on how good you feel about yourself, and when you are feeling great in your skin it really shows!

What is your strategy for staying fit and conditioned during your off-contract time?
Glenn Allen Sims
I try to make sure that I am at the gym on a daily basis. When I am on off-contract time I make sure to really focus on as much cardio as possible – it’s the only way I can come back to work with the same amount of stamina that I left with. I love taking a spin class or just simply running on the treadmill. The best cardio workout that I am head over heels for is aqua aerobics! You tone and work all the muscle groups without the impact on your joints, which is a huge plus for me as a dancer. In terms of my eating habits, I eat the same for the most part. I food combine what I’m going to eat, meaning that I don’t mix proteins and carbohydrates in a meal. This really aids the digestive system in processing the food I am taking in. I’m big on eating whole foods and loads of greens (especially green juices), and making sure that what I am eating is of quality – no junk foods. I try to stay away from desserts.

Alice Hinde
During the summer holiday, I try to allow ten days to two weeks for rest. In that time I might do some gentle stretching. Swimming and biking are two of my favorite ways to keeping my body moving while I’m on holiday.

The Royal Ballet's Nehemiah Kish and Zenaida Yanowsky
The Royal Ballet’s Nehemiah Kish and Zenaida Yanowsky in Raymonda Act III, photo by Tristram Kenton, courtesy ROH
Nehemiah Kish
Maintaining the same level of fitness and conditioning I have on contract is very difficult when I’m off contract. It basically comes down to time allocation – how can you give at least 5 hours a day to training as you would if you were working? So, I generally lead an active lifestyle which helps maintain some level of fitness, including regularly hiking, swimming and diving. As I am constantly on the move between cities and even countries, attending regular classes becomes difficult. To remedy this I always pack a skipping rope. It is lightweight and it’s easy enough to find a space large enough to skip in. Skipping also gets your heart rate up rapidly. I set my iPod to my favourite up-beat tracks and I can skip happily for 15-20 minutes.

How do you augment your exercise regimen while touring?
Alice Hinde
Touring doesn’t affect my routine that much. I don’t use a lot of machines or props when working out. Most of my exercises are based on using my own body weight.
Glenn Allen Sims and Linda Celeste Sims, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s Glenn Allen Sims and Linda Celeste Sims in Jirí Kylián’s Petite Mort. Photo by Paul Kolnik.
Glenn Allen Sims
I carry a range of travel equipment with me. I have Spree resistance straps that help tone the body, the Perfect Push-Up and a Multi-toner, which is like the Pilates magic circle, but this was designed by DLFit and is a complete body workout. Of course, there’s only so much you can do in the hotel gym so most of my workout augmentation happens either in the hotel room or at the theater, unless there is a gym nearby.
Nehemiah Kish
I aim to tailor any fitness activities to things that can be done in a hotel room such as skipping and yoga. I find stretching extremely beneficial when on tour because of the increased workload when performing a show. Cardio and strength are usually taken care of by actually performing! A spa or bath also works wonders in decreasing lactic acid levels and keeping the body supple.
Top photo: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s Glenn Allen Sims and Antonio Douthit in Alvin Ailey’s Opus McShann. Photo by Paul Kolnik.
Happy Valentine’s Day: Five red foods that are good for your heart

Happy Valentine’s Day: Five red foods that are good for your heart

By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD

Dance Informa is celebrating heart health this Valentine’s Day by highlighting five red foods that are good for the one muscle in your body that never gets a rest. These foods are also great for recovering from a tough rehearsal, for keeping a healthy body weight and for preventing cancer and heart disease – but most importantly, they taste good!
Heart disease is a leading cause of death for both men and women1. Being physically active, maintaining a healthy body weight, and eating more colourful fruits and veggies can reduce your risk.
At only 43 calories per cup, berries contain vitamin C, folate and potassium, in addition to cancer-fighting flavoinoids, such as anthocyanins. Flavoinoids are antioxidants that combat oxidative stress on the body and protect against free radicals that cause cell damage. This is good news for dancers who push their bodies to the extreme and is especially helpful in urban areas where city pollution can be a source of oxidative stress. The Nurse’s Health Study II reported that people who ate berries more frequently (more than once a month) were 32 percent less likely to have a heart attack than people who ate berries infrequently. Berries also protect the heart with their anti-inflammatory properties. Be sure to choose organic berries as often as possible. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists these on their “Dirty Dozen” list of fruits and vegetables that are typically high in pesticides2.
Sweet or hot, raw or cooked, there is no doubt that these are super healthy foods. Sweet red capsicums contain vitamins C and A, but they are also a good source of vitamin B6, which aids in protein metabolism. Because red capsicums have been left on the plant to mature longer than green ones, they are better sources of antioxidants. They are great sliced and dipped in hummus or on top of a pizza. These are also on EWG’s Dirty Dozen list so it’s worth the money to buy organic.
These are a great source of vitamins C and K. They also contain vitamin A and the carotenoids lutein, and lycopene. These are antioxidants, powerful cancer fighters and are very heart protective. Research has shown that cooked tomatoes, like in sauces and stews, can have additional benefits. So enjoy them raw and cooked. Eat the skins as well, as the skins contain many health-promoting phytonutrients. This is another food on EWG’s Dirty Dozen list, so once again we recommend that you buy organic.
Red Beans
A fantastic source of plant based protein and fibre, red or ‘kidney’ beans also contain folate, iron, manganese, copper, potassium and several other minerals. Current recommendations from a variety of health organisations tell us to get protein from more plant-based sources in general. Beans are a cheap source of organic protein, which with the fibre will help you feel fuller longer and can keep blood sugar more stable. I would strongly recommend avoiding canned beans because canned products are lined with a plastic coating that contains BPA, which is a known neuroendocrine disruptor. It’s so easy to throw some beans in a slow cooker in the morning and they are ready when you get home. During cooking, don’t add salt or something acidic like tomatoes. Wait until the beans are softened to add these. If you soak beans overnight and then give them a good rinse before cooking or eating you can reduce the substance that gives them their reputation for being gas-producing.
These bright red root veggies are hot in the sports nutrition field right now because they are a great source of naturally occurring nitrates. Naturally occurring nitrates in foods like beets, rocket, spinach and rhubarb have been shown to significantly improve athletic performance with better power output, more endurance and speed. Dancers might see benefits by eating more of these veggies or drinking beetroot juice. Nitrate supplementation from pills has not shown the same benefits as consuming the actual vegetable. It’s important to note that cured or processed meats contain nitrates too, but interestingly these have a completely different effect on the body and cause cell damage instead. Cook beets in water until soft and then add them to salads.
There are plenty of other great red foods out there so don’t forget to also include these in your daily food choices – cherries, watermelon, red cabbage, raspberries, cranberries, ruby red grapefruit, pomegranate, apples and many others. Enjoy!
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at

1. Centers for Disease Control USA:

2. Environmental Working Group:

Photo: © Svetlana Kolpakova | 
Stretching Truths

Stretching Truths

By Rain Francis.
Do you stretch extensively before class? Do you often sit in a stretch for a few minutes or more? Do you stretch every single day?
As dancers, most of us would probably answer “yes” to at least one of the above questions – which would mean that we might have been practicing unsafely, and could be doing our bodies more harm than good. It’s time to get wise about the correct, safe and effective way to stretch.

Flexibility is important for injury prevention, physical fitness and mental and physical relaxation. Since all bodies are different, there is little point in comparing your flexibility to another dancers; flexibility is determined by genetics. However, stretching, when practiced correctly, can increase your flexibility and improve your performance.
When to Stretch
The most crucial factor in regards to stretching is to always warm up first. As much as we may be used to it, this means not sitting in stretches before barre! A proper warm-up should start with some light aerobic activity (such as a gentle jog around the studio) to increase your core temperature. When you produce a light sweat, it’s time to engage in some dynamic stretches. Dynamic stretching should start slowly and gradually increase in the speed and power of the movement. (See below for an explanation on the different types of stretching). Many Pilates exercises incorporate dynamic stretching, so before class is a good time to do your Pilates routine.
At the end of your cool down after class – when the activity that requires you to be strong and stable has ceased – is a good time to do your static stretches. Believe it or not, stretching to your end-range before class actually reduces strength and stability, as well as increases your risk of injury, so it should be avoided at all costs.
What to StretchIt may feel good to practice the stretches that are comfortable for you, but it’s important to stretch the muscles that need to be stretched, not just the ones that are already flexible. Stretch both sides of a joint, in order to not develop an imbalance that could lead to injury. Practice stretches that only target the muscles you are trying to lengthen. Isolating a muscle group gives you greater control and means you are able to vary the intensity of the stretch.
How to Increase Flexibility
In order to maintain your range of motion, a weekly stretch session is sufficient. However, if your goal is to increase your flexibility, you need to stretch three to five times per week, and you need to be consistent. It may take several months for certain stretches to become comfortable, but perseverance is key (just make sure you are not pushing yourself to the point of pain.)
As it takes time for your muscles to adapt and adjust, you must give them time to heal, rest and repair themselves. This means mixing up your stretching programme by alternating light days, heavy days and rest days. Any gym bunny knows the importance of working and resting different muscle groups on different days, and making gains in flexibility follows the same principles.
Though it may be tempting, over-stretching increases the risk of injury and can just push your goals even further away.
Stretches should be slow and gentle, and should never create a sharp or painful feeling. Use your breath to assist you, and do not bounce!
How Long to Hold Stretches
Hold your static stretch (but not your breath) for 30 seconds, then relax. After a brief rest, repeat the stretch two or three times. The changes in your flexibility from stretching in this way will only last less than an hour. However, when performed consistently, as explained above, flexibility gains can be maintained. If you are a child or young adult whose bones are still growing keep stretches to 10 seconds or less.
Contrary to what you may believe, prolonged stretching should only be used by medical professionals and is not appropriate for dancers. Rather than simply stretching muscles and their connective tissues, stretching for extended periods of time can elongate joints and ligaments, which are there to keep your joints stable. You may think that lying in second while watching TV is doing you good, but this can actually lead to loss of stability and serious injury, whether in the short-term or further down the track.
The Importance of Breath
There is a reason why yoga and Pilates place so much emphasis on the incorporation of the breath. Correct breath control is essential to getting the most out of your flexibility training. It helps relax the body, improve muscular elasticity, increase blood flow and remove lactic acid, which reduces muscle soreness and the risk of injury.
When stretching during your cool-down, keep your breath fluid, not forced. Use slow, relaxed breathing, with an emphasis on exhalation through the mouth or nose. Inhale through the nose, which will filter and warm the air you inhale and allow more oxygen into your lungs (just ask any yogi!)
Types of Stretching
There are several different techniques for stretching muscles, each with advantages and disadvantages. You should consult an experienced teacher or health care professional to find the best technique for your physique.
There are two main types of stretching: static and dynamic.
Static stretching is a stretch that is held in a particular position. For example, lying on your back with one leg raised in the air and gently easing the leg in toward the chest to stretch the hamstrings. Static stretching is more effective than dynamic stretching for producing long-term flexibility, but should only be practiced when the body is fully prepared.
Dynamic stretching is a stretch that is an active movement as a result of muscle contraction. For example, circling the ankle or shoulders, or controlled leg and arm swings. This type of stretching takes you to the limits of your range of motion, with no bouncing or jerking. A good dynamic stretch is one that reproduces the movement patterns required for the exercise you are about to undertake. For dance, an example is a controlled développé to the front or side, which dynamically stretches the hamstrings. Dynamic stretching should be performed only after a proper warm-up.
When researching for this article the author consulted the following resources:
Stretching – a vital part of dancers training and practice, by Tania Huddart for DANZ ©.
Stretching for dancers, by Brenda Critchfield, MS, ATC, under the auspices of the Education and Media Committees of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science.

Stretching rules for dancers
, by Ausdance.

Photo: © Candybox Images |
Chocolate….Is it all bad?

Chocolate….Is it all bad?

By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD

The holidays are nearly upon us. With them comes an abundance of delicious high calorie foods like chocolate. Usually thought of as the classic high calorie junk food, you’ll be happy to hear that chocolate actually has some health benefits.
Can dancers enjoy chocolate and still look great in tights?
Certainly! Chocolate can be a part of an overall healthy diet.  Here’s how and why:
Chocolate, like many plant based foods, is packed with health promoting flavonoids1. The cocoa beans come from the pod of a cacao tree (Theobroma Cacao). They are harvested from the pods, fermented, dried, and then sold for processing into the many yummy products we have come to love.  It takes over 400 beans to make only one pound of chocolate. Given the high global demand, you can imagine what a difference it can make to buy sustainably sourced and fair traded chocolate2.
The flavonols in dark chocolate have real science to back up the health claims.  A review article that analyzed data from 1297 participants found that cocoa improved insulin resistance, improved the flow rate of blood in the cardiovascular system, and showed a beneficial effect on LDL cholesterol3 (the bad kind).  Another review reported that multiple studies showed lowered blood pressure and improved cholesterol in spite of the fact that chocolate contains fat and sugar 4.  The studies that showed health promoting results were consistently completed with participants eating high quality cocoa or dark chocolate, not milk chocolate or a low quality chocolate flavoring that is mostly sugar or worse – corn syrup. So your source of chocolate matters!
Since chocolate can be a significant source of fat and sugar, how can it be a part of a healthy dancers diet?
According to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, women who were in a trial to lose weight who included a dark chocolate snack in their meal plan still lost weight and showed improvements in body composition5.  The researchers suggested that having a small amount of chocolate was associated with better satisfaction and thus the participants were able to stick to their dietary plans5.
Many dancers don’t need to lose weight, but just maintain their instrument. Occasionally eating quality chocolate, in moderation, isn’t going to cause significant weight change.  Certainly dancers want to watch their sources of sugar, and be mindful of where extra calories come from, but you still can get positive health effects from just moderate consumption of chocolate.  Since dancers need to choose their calories wisely, they will be happy to know that the benefits to the cardiovascular system were demonstrated regardless of dose3. Which means that a little bit of good quality chocolate eaten semi-regularly can still give health benefits.  If you love chocolate and can’t even think about giving it up just to look great on stage, that’s fine! The body can handle small amounts of extra treat calories if eaten between meals and if dancers make smart choices about where the other daily calories come from.  If you allow yourself to eat just a little chocolate on occasion, you are much less likely to binge later.
While some studies have shown heart health benefits, chocolate like other holiday favourites, should still be enjoyed in moderation. Flavonoids can also be found in foods like grapes, apples and blueberries – there are plenty of other great sources of these health promoting polyphenols.  If most of the time you eat a wide variety of colorful fruits and veggies, then a little dark chocolate can be a part of your Nutcracker survival plan.
Wishing you healthy holidays from Emily at the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles, Atlanta USA.
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at
1. Bauer S, et al. Cocoa consumption, cocoa flavoinoids, and effects on cardiovascular risk factors: an evidence-based review. Current Cardiovas Risk Reports. 2011;5:120-127.
2. The Rainforest Alliance.
3. Hooper LKay CAbdelhamid AKroon PACohn JSRimm EBCassidy A. Effects of chocolate, cocoa, and flavan-3-ols on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials.   Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Mar;95(3):740-51. Epub 2012 Feb 1.
4. Tokede OAGaziano JMDjoussé L.   Effects of cocoa products/dark chocolate on serum lipids: a meta-analysis.  Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011.  Aug;65(8):879-86. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2011.64.
5. Piehowski KE, et al. A reduced calorie dietary pattern including a daily sweet snack promotes body weight reduction and body composition improvements in premenopausal women who are overweight or obese: a pilot study. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111:1198-1203.
Top Photo: © Fantasista |
Five Super Foods for Dancers

Five Super Foods for Dancers

By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD

It’s no accident that all five of these top foods are fruits and vegetables. The more colourful your dietary choices the better you will look, feel, and dance. Fruits and veggies are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and compounds called phytonutrients that all work synergistically to promote health and aid in sports recovery. You can’t get the same effect from a pill. As a dietitian who works with elite level dancers, I could simplify my recommendations with two statements: Don’t ever skip breakfast and eat more fruits and vegetables. Below I have highlighted five super foods that all dancers need to try.
Kale has earned its name as a super food because of its high amounts of lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin K, calcium, iron, folate and vitamin C. It’s packed with cancer fighting phytonutrients. Enjoy this versatile green in salads and soups, or simply sautéed with veggie broth and garlic. Impress your friends by baking it in the oven for tasty kale chips that everyone will love. Take washed kale, strip off the stems and combine with peaches, olive oil, lemon juice, honey, salt and pepper. Massage the dressing into the kale and peaches for an amazing salad that looks and tastes great.
Everyone knows that this delicious and portable fruit makes an easy and healthy snack. Apples are low in calories (about 60-80) but high in fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants that can help prevent cancer and protect against heart disease. The dark red skins of apples and grapes contain polyphenols that have been shown to have a protective effect against oxidative stress. Dancers and other athletes who push their bodies hard for hours at a time create more oxidative stress on the body. This can affect recovery, which can affect performance the next day. The more anti-oxidants you eat from colourful fruits and veggies, the better you will recover during a long week of shows or rehearsals.
This veggie favorite is easy to lightly steam on weeknights when you don’t have much time to make dinner. Or throw some in a wrap for a big lunch time nutrient boost. Broccoli is considered a super food because of its high levels of vitamins, minerals, and sulfur-containing phytonutrients. Did you know that the stems are rich in calcium, and some research suggests that if you chop broccoli and let it sit for a few minutes before cooking, you can enhance an enzyme that converts the healthy compounds to their more active form?
All orange and yellow veggies and fruits are packed with beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A. They’re good for your skin and eyes. People who get plenty of vitamin A have been shown to have fewer infections and stronger immune systems. Dancers can’t afford a sick day, so eating foods rich in vitamin A and C can help keep illness at bay. Taking high supplemental doses of either of those vitamins can be detrimental. But nature provides just the right amount in real foods. Carrots are the perfect addition to lunches because this root veggie can stay fresh longer.
Blueberries are packed with cancer fighting, immune boosting anthocyanins (a type of flavonoid). That’s just a fancy word for what gives them their rich dark color. The more colourful your plate the better! Having trouble remembering that ballet you learned last year? Flavonoid-rich foods like blueberries have been shown to enhance spatial memory. Another study linked blueberries to faster rates of learning. Fresh or frozen, they taste great in a smoothie or over breakfast cereal.
Dancers should aim for at least 4 servings of vegetables a day and 2-3 servings of fruit. Try to eat a rainbow of fruits and veggies each day, and don’t be afraid to bring something new home from the store that you have never tried before.
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at
Top Photo: © Chiyacat |
Eating Right on a Dancer’s Budget

Eating Right on a Dancer’s Budget

By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD
I don’t know any dancers who have money to throw away.  Here are a few tips to help stretch those hard earned dollars.
Get your protein from more plant based sources
Protein from beans, peas, nuts, whole grains, seeds and soy is so much cheaper than animal based protein. Think about how much more a steak costs verses some beans and rice. If you buy the dried beans from bulk bins you will save even more.  Most beans are sources of protein, iron, potassium, folate and fibre. In general, plant based meals are lower in fat and calories but high in nutrients.
You can make totally organic (and delicious) homemade soup and rice and even add kale for about $2.00 per serving.  It’s easy to throw everything in a slow cooker or make something ahead of time for an easy meal after a long day of rehearsals.  Quinoa is a wonderful high protein grain that you can get for less than $0.50 per serving, and it cooks faster than rice for a quick week night meal.
Soy is a versatile and cheap source of protein. Add some tofu or endamames to a veggie stir fry.  Eat more plants in place of meat and dairy – you’ll be fighting off cancer and reducing your impact on the environment while saving money!
Think critically about your grocery store
Food companies are businesses, and their ads are designed to get you to buy food and more of it. The system is designed for higher and higher profits, but that’s not always what’s best for our waist line, wallets, or our health. The word “natural” is now used on everything from chips to cookies and ice cream.  “Natural” has no legal definition in the U.S. so it gets overused.  It can lure people into believing that chips are somehow good for you just because the word natural is on the package.
Health claims are also a big part of the advertising market. Some companies will put random vitamins and “functional” ingredients into all kinds of foods and beverages touting health claims that might be flimsy at best or even dangerous. One example is mega doses of vitamins in beverages. No one needs 1000mg of vitamin B or C in a juice. The body wasn’t meant to absorb nutrients in this way and it can cause problems.  Our bodies absorb nutrients best through real food.  Stick to the outside aisles of a grocery store where you will find fewer boxes and bags and more fresh ingredients.  We all like convenience, but we pay for it.  Chocolate bars are right at eye level at the checkout counter and high fat foods are placed at high traffic areas for a reason.  Bargains aren’t bargains if they are full of sugar, fat, or refined flour.
Is it really a bargain?
Buying in bulk might not always be a good thing. No one really needs a gallon container of cheese puffs.  Big box retailers of wholesale food items might be selling you much bigger portions of unhealthy packaged foods. Is a 20 pack of croissants really a deal when each one packs up to 400 calories?  Use care and read food labels if you shop at the big wholesale stores.
Some terms on packages are legally defined and can help when deciding what to buy. The term “organic” has strict guidelines, and while the system isn’t perfect, it is better to buy organic. But keep in mind that organic cookies are still cookies – enjoy them in moderation.  It’s better to buy organic fruits and veggies, even though they usually cost more.
“Low fat” means that the food item must have 3 grams or less of fat per 100 grams, or no more than 30% of calories from fat.  This can be helpful when looking at food labels. But one trick to be aware of is that “low-fat” baked goods often have way more sugar content than regular to make them taste better.  So those low-fat treats might still have close to the same number of calories.
Prepare food at home and avoid packaged foods
Less packaging = less cost. Planning ahead can save you lots of money. Having fruit and veggies ready to go at home make it easy to grab them while you are racing out the door to class. You are much more likely to eat well on a budget if you don’t have to pick something up from a deli or restaurant.  Have grapes washed and ready to eat in your fridge, peel and cut carrots yourself and put them into your own reusable containers. Keep a box of low calorie muesli bars in your car. When snacks are easy to grab, you are less likely to eat junk food which will cost you more money and many more calories.
Eat in season and reduce portions
Off season tomatoes shipped from miles away not only taste terrible, but are much more expensive. Shop local, support your farmers markets, and buy in season. You will get better quality food, with higher nutrients and your hard earned food dollars will stay in your local economy.
One of the main reasons for weight struggles are out of control portions.  Make smaller portions and serve food on smaller plates.  When eating out, split a main meal with a friend, or order an entrée size. You’ll save money, and won’t overload on calories.
You CAN eat well on a tight budget: plan ahead, make your own food, shop local, and eat more plants.
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at
Top photo: © Digitalpress |
Hydration for Dancers

Hydration for Dancers

By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD.
Even mild dehydration can affect performance.  Staying hydrated is extremely important to a dancer’s performance because the first signs of dehydration are fatigue and poor balance.  Thirst actually only kicks in after the body has lost 1-2 litres of water. If you are thirsty then you are already dehydrated.
The science
Water makes up approximately 60% of body weight and is the largest component of the human body.  The muscles we work so hard to develop as dancers (skeletal muscles) are about 73% water, your blood is about 93% water and even bones and teeth contain some water. Water is critical for maintaining homeostasis within the body and important in the thousands of biochemical and physiological functions our bodies go through every day. Water aids in digestion and is important in the transport and elimination systems of the body.
Overheating and performance
It’s important for dancers to know that being properly hydrated helps keep the body from overheating. Helping the body promote heat loss when dancing full out will improve athletic performance and aid in recovery. This is especially important for dancers wearing hot costumes and performing under stage lights. Sweat losses during performance can be significantly more than during rehearsal of the same piece. This is why drinking regularly (even small, regular sips) is an important habit during a show.
How much is really needed? Can a dancer get fluids from other things besides water?
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that athletes (we all know that dancers are athletes) start their exercise already hydrated with about 500ml of beverage taken before you begin. Then drink 150-300ml every 20 minutes or so. This means that your reusable water bottle should be your constant companion in the studio or backstage.  Every dancer is a little different but pre-professional and professional level dancers should aim for about 2800-3500ml of fluids every day.  That’s about 12 – 15 cups.  About 20-25% will come from foods like fruits and veggies, but about 80% comes from what you drink.  Aim to get most of your fluids through water, but juices, sports drinks, and even tea and coffee can be counted toward that goal. Some dancers find that mixing 50% sports drink with 50% water in their reusable bottles helps them get through long rehearsals or classes. This is because sports beverages contain a source of readily available energy (calories) and electrolytes that are lost in sweat.
But I want something besides just water…..
Prevent dehydration by eating lots of fruits and veggies.  Consider melon, squash, oranges, apples, pears, grapes, leafy greens and salads in addition to beverages like tea, whole fruit ice-blocks, sports drinks, smoothies, soy milk, almond milk, and yoghurts.
What about caffeine?
Caffeine makes us more awake and is known to enhance athletic performance. But there can be too much of a “good” thing.  Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, not a source of energy.  Yes, caffeine can also promote water loss and dancers should limit caffeine, but those beverages can still count toward your daily intake. I always recommend limiting or avoiding soft drinks. They are empty calorie bombs and can make bones weaker.  One cup of coffee is fine, but being overly jittery doesn’t help your dancing.
So be good to your body and good to the earth by taking your reusable water bottle with you everywhere and refilling it often!
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at
A Dietitian’s Top 10 Tips for Lowering Cancer Risk

A Dietitian’s Top 10 Tips for Lowering Cancer Risk

By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD.
1. Eat more vegetables
I can’t stress the importance of this strongly enough.  Aim for at least 4 servings per day, and the more colorful your selection the better.  Vegetables contain important bioactive compounds such as phytonutrients like polyphenols, flavoinoids, carotenoids and lycopene. These are powerful cancer fighters.  Dancers can’t go wrong with eating more vegetables. Veggies are low calorie, low fat, high in fibre, and high in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folic acid and selenium.
2. Eat more fruits
Fruits also contain the cancer fighting phytonutrients listed above. Fruit is the ultimate convenience snack. It is easily portable, tasty, and many varieties don’t need refrigeration. Throw an apple or orange in your dance bag today. Keep a bowl of washed grapes in your fridge for healthy snacking when you want something quick.  Fruit is delicious, easy, low calorie and packed with nutrients. Try to get your fruit from the whole fruit and limit or avoid sugary juices.
3. Reduce your consumption of meat
Eating a plant based diet has been shown again and again to reduce risk for cancers, not to mention the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The American Dietetic Association states that vegetarian diets can be healthy for persons of all ages and activity levels and may prevent certain diseases.   It is entirely possible to eat a more plant based diet if you are a dancer or other athlete. Get important nutrients like protein, iron and zinc from a well varied diet that includes beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables.  Dancers need slightly more protein and iron, but high meat intakes and excessive heme iron (from meat) may actually increase cancer risk.  Beans and leafy greens contain iron and these foods help fight cancer.  If you are a vegan you will need to supplement your diet with B12. Plant based diets also help reduce greenhouse gases and are better for the environment.  If you are interested, talk to a registered dietician about planning well balanced plant based meals.
4. Stop smoking now
Seriously, enough said.  Not smoking is one of the single most important things you can do for your health and the health of those who breathe the air around you.
5. Lose the extra pounds if you are overweight
Excess weight is a major risk factor for many different cancers.  The Center for Science in the Public Interest recently reported that putting on weight when younger (in your 20s or 30s) as opposed to later in life can increase risk for endometrial cancer.  Preventing or delaying weight gain can pay off in lower cancer risk.  Meeting with a registered dietitian can help you develop a plan that you can stick to long term. It’s not about losing a few pounds quickly, real health comes from lifestyle changes that you can live with over time.  Start off by limiting portion sizes and eating more veggies, then gradually add more steps until you reach your goals.
6. Eat more naturally and limit processed foods
I know we are all busy, but dancers have to be judicious about what they feed their bodies. Processed foods (including soft drinks) are not only more expensive, but usually pack a high calorie punch.  They can contain preservatives, additives, high-fructose corn syrup, and other unhealthy stuff that dancers don’t need. Buy foods in bulk, make big portions when cooking and freeze the extra. Invest in a slow cooker so you can throw some ingredients in and it will be all ready when you come home from a long day.

7. Get adequate vitamin D, but don’t mega dose
As dancers we all know the importance of vitamin D in strong bone density (preventing stress fractures). But you may not know that vitamin D has been shown to also be cancer protective.  For the dancers that I work with, I typically recommend getting approximately 800 IU per day.  That may mean having to supplement for dancers who are avoiding dairy. Getting 10-15 minutes of sun can be a good source too, but of course we don’t want to increase our skin cancer risk by baking in the sun for too long. If you supplement, be careful not to mega dose. Vitamin D can be toxic in high amounts.
8. Exercise regularly
Most dancers get plenty of exercise, but if you are recovering from an injury or if you are a former dancer it helps to schedule exercise just like you would schedule anything else.  Try something new or out of your comfort zone like a different style of dance, martial arts, yoga, or rock climbing. If you are currently dancing regularly; swimming or pilates can be great activities for cross training on days off.
9. Limit alcoholic beverages
New reports from the US National Institutes of Health state that women who have one drink per day can increase their breast cancer risk by 5%. Heavier drinking can increase risk by as much as 50%. Women who have a strong family history of breast cancer should avoid drinking altogether.  Another consideration for dancers is that even one drink can negatively affect athletic performance for several days after consumption.
10. Avoid BPA in canned foods and plastic containers, and don’t microwave food in plastic
BPA is a building block of plastics and exposure (especially in children) may increase cancer risk.  BPA can be found in some plastic containers and in the lining inside cans. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, The Environmental Working Group, and the Harvard School of Public Health all warn of the dangers of exposure to BPA.  Try using glass containers to store food, or look for “BPA free” if you must use plastic. We can all benefit from less plastic in our lives.  Plus eating fresh is always better.
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at

Sources and additional information can be found at:
Alcohol and cancer risk:
The Environmental Working Group:

Plant based diets and disease prevention: The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Scarborough P, Allender S, Clarke D, Wickramasinghe K, Rayner M.  Plant based diets and the environment: Modelling the health impact of environmentally sustainable dietary scenarios in the UK. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Apr 11
Campbell T C, Campbell TM.  The China Study. Ben Bella Books, 2009.
ADA position statement on vegetarian diets:
Murphy MM, Barraj LM, Herman, D, Xiaoyu BI, Cheatham R, Randolph RK. Phytonutrient intake by adults in the United States in relation to fruit and vegetable consumption.  Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Feb, 2012.
Link A, Balaguer F, Goel A. Cancer chemoprevention by dietary polyphenols: promising role for epigenetics. Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Dec 15;80(12):1771-92
Krishnan AV, Trump DL, Johnson CS, Feldman D.The role of vitamin d in cancer prevention and treatment. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2012 Feb;38(1):161-78.
Photo: © Braden Gunem |
Published by Dance Informa dance magazine -covering dance Australia, dance training, dance auditions, dance teacher resources and more.
Energy Balance?

Energy Balance?

We always hear about the importance of what you eat, but could when you eat be just as important?
By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD.
What’s the secret for dancing stronger, improving body composition, building muscle, having more endurance, and improving performance? Energy Balance.  Backed by sound science, the concept of energy balance is all about timing healthy meals and snacks to work for you.  Managing your energy balance can even play an important role in injury prevention.
What is Energy Balance?
Energy Balance is eating exactly the right amount of fuel for the activity you are about to do.   It is meeting and adjusting your body’s energy (calorie) needs as they change throughout the day depending on how hard you are working.   Let’s say you are going on a road trip….
Which option would you choose?
  1. Ok car, I’m not going to give you any fuel now, but when we get there I’ll give you all the fuel you need?
  2. Ok, car, I’m going to give you all the fuel you need for the trip now, but you have to figure out where to store it?
  3. Or…Ok car, I’ll fuel you up now for the next 2-3 hours and then I’ll stop and fuel you up again when you need it?
Obviously, we should choose option 3, but all too often dancers choose option 1 or 2.  Providing enough calories from healthy foods at carefully planned intervals when dancing gives the body the fuel it needs to perform its best.  When athletes have enough fuel, preferably from carbohydrates, they have been shown to have higher jumps and more endurance. Also, when dancers eat regular healthy snacks they tend to not overeat later.   If a dancer gets extremely hungry because he or she hasn’t eaten in a while, he or she tends to overeat more than needed within a certain time frame and those extra calories get stored.  Some is stored as a much needed type of fuel called glycogen which is easy to access when dancing the next day, but some is converted to body fat.  This is why eating smaller more frequent meals not only leads to better performance but also to more muscle and less fat.   We all know that working in an aesthetic art form means that we have to be judicious about what we eat, but planning meals and snacks wisely throughout the day can actually lead to better, stronger muscles and lower body fat percentage.
Whether someone dances two hours a day or ten, in order to perform their best they have to provide exactly the right amount of fuel to their system at the right time.  Going for too long without eating can backfire by forcing the body to come up with fuel from somewhere. When running on empty, the body breaks down muscle tissue and converts it into a type of fuel that the muscles and brain can use.
There are several problems with the all too common dancer strategy of not eating before and during classes/rehearsals/shows and waiting until later to eat: The body lowers your metabolic rate to adjust, the body burns muscle for fuel and thus makes you weaker and more prone to injury.  The brain has a harder time concentrating with no fuel, so choreography is harder to pick up and ultimately you end up with a higher body fat percentage and less muscle. Eating a small snack would have been a much more efficient source of fuel.
Here are my top 10 energy balance tips.
  1. Eat breakfast!
  2. Have a 100-250 calorie morning snack especially if you have rehearsals
  3. Provide some calories every 2-3 hours during your day
  4. Eat smaller more frequent meals
  5. Plan a 100-250 calorie afternoon snack around 3:00-4:00pm to stave off hunger
  6. Eat a reasonable dinner with carbohydrate, protein, and some healthy fats
  7. Do eat after dancing, but don’t overdo nighttime snacking
  8. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate all day
  9. Sip on a sports drink if dancing for a long time and eating isn’t possible
  10. Focus on fruits, veggies, and whole grains when meal/ snack planning – these carbs are good!
Pack a snack in your dance bag like a museli bar, banana, dried fruit, nuts, and whole grain crackers or make a wrap with hummus, veggies and rice. Make some pasta salad with whole grain pasta, black beans, tomatoes, corn, and red peppers – yum!  Planning is the key to making healthy food convenient.
Want to know more?Here is some additional info:
Working muscles require calories in order to provide enough readily available energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP) particularly for the short, high intensity bursts of activity that we dancers do in class and in performance.  Longer bouts of exercise (Swan Lake for example) require the use of stored glycogen and fats. The body adjusts what it uses for energy based on the intensity of work and level of training. Providing calories before exercising preferably from carbohydrates, results in better performance and helps preserve muscle mass.  For longer shows, sipping on a sports drink or having a granola bar during intermission will help dancers finish strongly.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, “Inadequate energy intakes can result in loss of muscle mass, menstrual dysfunction, loss or failure to gain bone density, an increased rate of fatigue, injury, and illness”.  Injuries or illness can greatly affect a dancer’s training.  Dancers can have fewer injuries and illnesses by managing their energy.
Emily Harrison
Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD
Emily is a registered dietitian and holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition from Georgia State University, USA. Her master’s thesis research was on elite level ballet dancers and nutrition and she has experience providing nutrition services for weight management, sports nutrition, disordered eating, disease prevention, and food allergies. Emily was a professional dancer for eleven years with the Atlanta Ballet and several other companies. She is a dance educator and the mother of two young children. She now runs the Centre for Dance Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles. She can be reached at

Top photo: © Ivan Mikhaylov |
Anorexia Epidemic?

Anorexia Epidemic?

La Scala dancer fired after speaking out about anorexia.
By Rebecca Martin.
As a ballet dancer, the pressure is always on.  Get your legs up, turn more, jump higher, be thinner, be stronger, turn out, rehearse harder.  We look at ourselves in full length mirrors in the studio wearing next to nothing and criticise every arm, leg, foot, and miniscule bulge.  For dancers, there is no such thing as perfection, so the quest is endless.  Add to that the pressure of teachers and directors and the desire to get a certain part or role.
It’s no surprise then, that young dancers – particularly students – are susceptible to eating disorders.  They often think that if they are thinner, they will be better or more successful.  If they are thinner, they will get cast in the lead role.  If they are thinner, no one will notice their bad feet or their height.  Female dancers need to look a certain way and maintain a comparatively lower body weight than non-dancers, not only for the aesthetic of the art form, but for the safety of the male dancers who have to partner them.
However, dancers need to eat.  With punishing rehearsal schedules and endless shows, if they don’t eat, they won’t be strong enough to perform at their peak.  Dancers certainly need to monitor what they eat, but mainly for overall health and peak performance.  It’s like the old adage of putting fuel in the car.  If you don’t put fuel in, the car won’t start.  If you put the wrong fuel in, performance will be sub-par.

Ballerina Mariafrancesca Garritano
So, unhealthy thought patterns about weight and eating is not unexpected and definitely not uncommon in the dance world.  Teachers need to foster healthy body image and eating habits so that students can develop into well adjusted dancers.  Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.  During my time at an Australian full time ballet school, some of the girls in my class were told on a Friday to lose weight by Monday, “whatever it takes”.  Drugs and starvation were advocated in these cases, with another student being told to exist on a diet of broccoli and steamed fish in the lead up to a performance so she looked good in a unitard.
This unhealthy weight obsession has been highlighted over the past few months by Mariafrancesca Garritano, a ballet dancer with the famous La Scala in Italy.  Mariafrancesca was fired from the company after repeatedly speaking out about what she labelled an “anorexia epidemic” within La Scala.  Garritano first raised the issue of the eating disorder in a book called The Truth, Please, About Ballet that was released in January 2010, followed closely by media interviews, in which she said her weight dropped to 43 kilograms as a teenager after teachers called her ”mozzarella” and ”Chinese dumpling” in front of other students. Both the theatre and Mariafrancesca’s former colleagues have denied all claims.  Dance Informa spoke to Mariafrancesca after her sacking to discuss the issue of eating disorders amongst dancers…
What inspired you to speak out about the problem of eating disorders at La Scala?
I talked about eating disorders, both within and outside the dancing world. By sharing the experiences of my own illness during my time at La Scala Ballet School, as well as the similar experiences of some of my classmates, I have reinforced that eating disorders are a real problem that affects people everywhere, including here in La Scala. My sole objective was to raise awareness about eating disorders, in order to help young people learn how to spot pitfalls and how to heal.
You say 1 in 5 dancers have anorexia. Is this problem worse than before or has it always been this bad?
I spoke about my personal experience, 16 years ago – but I did my research and discovered that eating disorders are constantly rising in our society, both here in Italy and abroad. If we don’t encourage people to talk about this issue, we’ll never be able to know how serious this problem is.
Ballerina Mariafrancesca Garritano
Do you believe the problem comes from the ballet schools where the dancers train or is it the pressure of being in a company that makes them anorexic?
I believe teenagers are vulnerable, and to keep them in an isolated environment where they’re exposed to inappropriate language runs the risk of aggravating a predisposition to eating disorders. Those in a position of responsibility must be trained to behave in a way that protects young people from eating disorders.
Why do you think your fellow dancers have not supported you regarding your allegations?
I heard they were offended by my statements – this is a shame, as it wasn’t my intention to offend, but to raise awareness about a problem.
La Scala had hinted that if you continued to speak about the topic, you would be fired. Did this worry you? Was getting the message out more important than your contract?
There is much suffering behind eating disorders and I would have never thought that I’d be ostracised for talking about them. My life, other people lives, are too important for me not to fight this battle. I regret that I had to lose this much, but my motivation came from the bottom of my heart.
Do you intend to continue dancing?
Yes, I really hope so!
What do you think needs to be done to address the problem of eating disorders in ballet schools and companies?
There’s a need for experienced professionals – diet experts, psychologists, and so on – to follow both students and teachers. A full staff backed by appropriate resources is a good start for any school or company.
Occasionally the enthusiasm for dancing is such that dancers neglect their quality of life. For instance they may skip meals due to tight rehearsal schedules, and eventually skipping meals becomes the norm. Dancers should be trained and monitored in this respect – many already know how to look after themselves, but many others don’t. I hope things can get better for every one of us.
Published by Dance Informa dance magazine – everything dance in Australiadance news, dance auditions & dance events.

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